UML&OCL Modeling Languages
- Use the Umlet tool to create the following states' diagram representing the behavior of "Lights".

Lights' behavior
Use the tool to model:
a. Light class
b. The behavior of an object "light1" that is turned on, off and on in a sequence diagram.
Can you encode the model in Java
? (In C
14 - 14
bridgethiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL