UML&OCL Modeling Languages
Classes' diagrams
Associations are relations (and also particular classes) between two classes.

Associations and aggregation
Associations have:
- A name (optional)
- Roles for each extremity (optional)
- Multiplicity/cardinality that restrict the number min..max of links (default is 1..1)
Associations can also:
- Have navigability to restrict the messages' flow (eg. only from Group to Element in the figure)
- Be a Composition (or aggregation) to stipulate, for instance, that the elements of a group must be destructed when this one is deleted.
4 - 11thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL