UML&OCL Modeling Languages
States' diagrams (statecharts)
Illustration: a coffee machine that accepts a coins 5c, 10c and 20c, and that returns a coffee for 25c.

Statechart (CoffeeMachine' behavior)
As an exercise, represent the scenario with a client that puts 10c then 20c to a coffee machine.
4 - 9thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL