UML&OCL Modeling Languages
Use cases: details
As a remark, external messages have to be implemented as internal ones (e.g. activate actuators) and all the messages give the interface of the main class of the application.

Use cases' diagram: synthesis
The State
attribute is generally considered as an <<enumeration>>
class in the "logical model". Then, during the refinement to the "technical model" it could be translated to integer or other types.
7 - 9thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL