UML&OCL Modeling Languages
Use cases: details
All the scenarii are then grouped together in a statechart, as explained in the preceding chapter, to specify the whole behavior of the ATM software system.

Use cases' diagram: global (partial) behavior
As an exercise, propose a possible implementation of the preceding model in Java
8 - 9thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL
thiry laurent ensisa uha alsace mulhouse france unified modeling modelisation language constraint object objet UML OCL